Supply, installation and commissioning of natural gas conversion and superheater reduction at H.C. Ørstedværket boilers HCV21 and HCV22

DONG Energy Power A/S

DONG Energy Power A/S has 2 identical light fuel oil fired boilers at H.C. Ørstedværket in Copenhagen. The to boilers of make Mehldau & Steinfath Feuerungstechnik GmbH are operated as peak load supply of steam for the district heating grid in the city of Copenhagen. The 2 boilers are designated HCV21 and HCV22. The heat input max. per boiler on oil mode is 112 MW. The heat input max. per boiler on gas mode is 107 MW.
The project is divided in two separate projects/lots:
Lot 1: modification of the fuel supply from light oil supply to dual fuel, i.e. light fuel oil and natural gas firing.
Lot 2: reduction of the horizontal superheater heating surface for both boilers in order to reduce the steam outlet temperature when operated on natural gas firing.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-04-10. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-03-14.




Dato Dokument
2012-03-14 Udbudsbekendtgørelse