Short-term international technical assistance for human rights education and research
The Good Governance and Public Administration Reform programme (2012-2015) consists of 3 components:
1) Public Administration Reform (PAR) component;
2) Human Rights Education and Research component.
3) Public Participation and Accountability component.
The three components represent interventions in important areas of reforms, each of which aim to promote concepts and means of improving public management and democratic accountability. The overall development objective for the programme is:
“To strengthen the development of democratic governance and public management and accountability in Vietnam”.
The present contract refers to component 2 only, that has the following immediate objective:
“To strengthen human rights research and education and cooperation among these issues among Vietnamese universities”. Support to human rights research and education was initiated during the first phase of the programme (GOPA I, 2007-2011) and achieved notable success and support from the partners.GOPA II seeks to consolidate the results already achieved and extend them to other universities through a network of academic institutions. The theory and practice of citizens’ and human rights are gaining recognition and importance, as is the need to strengthen Vietnamese research and debate through training and international integration. The GOPA II will support and promote this debate on the basis of strong local ownership by Vietnamese partners.
The Human Rights Education and Research component has three partner institutions:
i) Vietnam Academy of Social Science;
ii) Hanoi National University, Law Faculty;
iii) Ho Chi Minh City Law University.
As the three partner institutions will require international technical assistance for the duration of the programme the Embassy of Denmark now wish to tender for short-term international Technical Assistance.
The general objective of the TA input is to support the component in achieving the component aim, including strengthening human rights research and education and promote professional networking and cooperation between Vietnamese universities. Specifically, the TA will assist the three partners in attaining the expected component outputs, viz.:
— The research environment in human rights is expanded and deepened at institutions of higher learning,
— Human rights credit courses for law students are integrated into general curricula of institutions of higher learning,
— Promoting professional networking for research, education and training in human rights among universities in Vietnam,
— Policy impact and outreach in the field of HR research and education is attained,
— International networking of Vietnamese HR centres is strengthened.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-02-29.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-02-01.
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