Service for onshore and offshore wind farms in Denmark

DONG Energy Wind Power Denmark A/S

DONG Energy has three off shore wind farms and more than 300 onshore wind turbines in Denmark.
The 3 off shore wind farms are Anholt located off coast of Grenå. Horns Rev 2 located off coast of Esbjerg and Nysted Havmøllepark located off coast of Lolland-Falster. The on shore turbines are primarily located in the East of Denmark (Zealand and Lolland-Falster).
DONG Energy operates the turbines by default, but due to lack of resources there is a need for external service providers within seven categories:
1. Cranes including safety equipment offshore
2. Lifts offshore
3. High Voltage equipment offshore
4. WTG service offshore
5. Snagging offshore
6. Repair painting offshore
7. Onshore service (WTG, cranes, lifts, high voltage equipment including tools and service vans).
In 2013 Horns Rev 2 wind farm expects to require all kinds of services (no. 1 - 6) from approximately 1st of April - 30th of September.
Nysted Havmøllepark expects to require service for Lifts, High Voltage equipment and possible ad hoc services for the WTG's in 2013.
Anholt expects to require service for foundation cranes and snagging in 2013.
The on shore turbines will require ad hoc services.
It is expected that 2 contracts will be entered for each of the 7 lots.
More information about DONG Energy and it's activities including the wind farms can be found on:

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-10-24. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-10-04.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2012-10-04 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-02-15 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter