Renewable Energy Water Supply for the Mekong Delta

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark / DANIDA

The Government of Vietnam has been taking steps in developing Green Growth outlining the following goal and objectives: “By 2020: To sustain high levels of economic growth while reducing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions through improving the efficiency of natural resources utilization and improving environmental protection. This will gradually pave the way for a green economy and contribute to sustainable development of the country”.
The Government of Denmark has supported to the National Targeted Program on Water and Sanitation for years. Despite the remarkable results achieved by this program over the whole country, the coverage of water supply in the rural areas of the Mekong Delta is still much lower than the national average. One of the reasons is power to rural areas are often cut due to a lack of electric in the national grid, fluctuations damage existing pumps which result in no water for rural areas. Mekong Delta has high potential for sun and wind energy, which can help solving this problem.
The Embassy of Denmark has decided to support a project “Renewable Energy for Water Supply in Mekong Delta”. The objective of the project is to promote sustainable renewable energy water supply for rural communities in the Mekong Delta providing water to users and being used as demonstration site to make an informed change from non-renewable energy systems.
The project will aim to demonstrate use of renewable energy for community water supply through information and training campaigns aimed at decision makers at all levels; villages, Communes, Districts, Provinces, and at a central pCerwass office in Can Tho where a Knowledge Center will be establish. Under the project approximately 33 demonstration sites will be established in the 13 pCerwass included in the project. One mobile unit fitted with renewable energy water supply equipment will support the information and training campaigns.
Requirements of Candidates applying for PQ:
1. Experience in supply and installation of renewable energy water supply systems in tropical areas, preferable South East Asia;
2. Experience in training of Government and utility staff in operation and maintenance of renewable energy water supply systems; and
3. Experience in design and implementation of community and commune mobilisation and awareness campaigns for the use and benefit of renewable energy for domestic and local use.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-07-30. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-06-29.

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Dato Dokument
2012-06-29 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2012-12-21 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter