Purchase and supply of new pumps for raw wastewater for Vallensbæk and Ejby pumping station, Spildevandscenter Avedøre, Denmark

Spildevandscenter Avedøre I/S

The contract includes purchase and delivery of pumps for raw wastewater for two existing pumping stations in Denmark.
Ejby pumping station: Delivery of 5 pumps for raw wastewater, submersible, centrifugal pumps, horizontal installation for dry well service:
— 2 pumps, each with flow 440 l/s at a total pressure loss up to 17.5 total head,
— 3 pumps, each with flow 830 l/s at a total pressure loss up to 17.6 total head.
All pumps are supplied with frames and suitable for frequency converter.
For Vallensbæk pumping station delivered 5 pumps for raw wastewater, submersible, centrifugal pumps, vertical installation for dry well service:
— 2 pumps, each with flow 440 l/s at a total pressure loss up to 10.7 total head,
— 3 pumps, each with flow 830 l/s at a total pressure loss up to 10.4 total head.
All pumps are supplied with frames and suitable for frequency converter.
For Vallensbæk pumping station the pumps could alternatively be 5 axial (propeller pumps for vertical installation in pipes) with the same performance as centrifugal pumps.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-03-15. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-02-14.




Dato Dokument
2012-02-14 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2012-03-06 Supplerende oplysninger