Multi Purpose Light Rescue Vehicles, mobile pump, generator and water vacuum equipment and mobile dam and self inflatable “sandless sandbag” equipment.”
Lot 1: Multipurpose Light Rescue Vehicles.
Generel concept.
The Multipurpose Light Rescue Vehicle concept consists of a fleet of standard vehicles with a common basic configuration and with a number of self contained mission specific equipment “modules” which can be loaded and unloaded the vehicle cargo compartment.
The vehicle will perform a wide range of missions in the city of Copenhagen, among other fire preventing activities such as advising, education and training of company and institution employees and individuals, mounting of fire fighting equipment such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in buildings etc. At the same time, the vehicle will be part of the Fire Brigade reaction composition and will participate in fire fighting and rescue operations.
The baseline equipment must be a standard concept, which has proved itself in operation by other Fire Fighting Agencies. The supplier must provide relevant references to existing users. The supplier must cooperate closely with the Copenhagen Fire Brigade on any necessary development of the equipment as well as subsequent maintenance and supply of the equipment.
The Copenhagen Fire Brigade will request optional offer on a full service (maintenance and supply) contract and optional offers on all necessary prerequisites for maintenance and supply of the systems at the Copenhagen Fire Brigade own workshop (user level and intermediate level) including recommended spare parts, special tools and test equipment, preventive maintenance, repair and fault isolation documentation, parts list etc.
Basic configuration.
Each vehicle is to be operated by a 2 person crew with a spare seat for an optional 3rd crew member. Vehicle basic configuration consists of personnel safety equipment, adequate first aid equipment and a limited capacity (tools and equipment) for damage mitigation on buildings after theft, blasted doors or minor water damages as well as collect of spills and cleanup after traffic accidents.
Mission specific capabilities.
The vehicles are to be used for a number of different missions. For each mission the appropriate equipment module for the mission is loaded into the vehicle. The vehicles are to perform only one specific mission at a time. If another mission is required, which is not part of the basic configuration, the vehicle will to return to the base to change the equipment mission specific module.
The specific missions consist at the time of:
1. Preparation for and assisting the fire engine pump in fire fighting operations.
2. Releasing of injured persons from traffic accidents.
3. Preparation for rescue operations at traffic accidents.
4. Clearing (cutting) of fallen trees etc., cutting through roofs etc. for fire fighting.
5. Preparation for and assisting at water surface rescue operations.
6. Preparation for and establishing working security for fire fighters against falling from heights.
7. Prevention or mitigation of consequential damage due to heavy rain or eq.
8. Assisting the present chemical emergency unit in its missions.
As part of the reaction composition the vehicles will participate at fire fighting and other fire-related activities assisting the fire engine pump. The vehicles are not supposed to have any fire extinguishing equipment on its own except for portable fire extinguishers, cutting/penetration tools and personnel safety equipment.
The concept will be continuously improved with development of new modules as required.
The Copenhagen Fire Brigade will request optional offer on a full service (maintenance and supply) contract and optional offers on all necessary prerequisites for maintenance and supply of the systems at the Copenhagen Fire Brigade own workshop (user level and intermediate level) including recommended spare parts, special tools and test equipment, preventive maintenance, repair and fault isolation documentation, parts list etc.
The vehicles and modules are to procured and delivered in Copenhagen in 2012 and shall be fully operational in 2013. The procurement will include training, documentation, service etc.
Lot 2: Mobile pump equipment.
In order to deal with minor floodings, the Copenhagen Fire Brigade will need a range of pumps, generators and water vacuums. The equipment shall be selfcontained and portable/handled by hand truck. The equipment shall be transported in “transport cages” in the Multipurpose Light rescue Vehicles.
Lot 3: Mobile dam equipment.
In order to deal with major floodings, the Copenhagen Fire Brigade will need a range of mobile dams and self inflating “sandless sandbags”. The equipment shall be selfcontained and portable/handled by hand truck. The equipment shall be transported on small trucks with cranes. The “sandless sandbags” shall be biodegradable.
All Lots: Generel.
The Copenhagen Fire Brigade.
As part of the Local Government of Copenhagen, the Copenhagen Fire Brigade provides safety and security to the citizens of Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Fire Brigade performs fire authority and preventive advising as well as fire fighting and rescue activities. As part of a new strategy, the Copenhagen Fire Brigade will emphasize quality and flexibility in its present activities as well as new capabilities for environmental readiness (flood prevention and relief) as well as terror readiness (handling of mass casualties and preventing building collapse).
The Fire Brigade operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from 7 stations in the city of Copenhagen.
The Fire Brigade also operates a fleet of VW ambulances for the Capital Region of Denmark.
The Fire Brigade vehicles and material are maintained at Copenhagen Fire Brigade's own workshop to reduce non-operational time.
The equipment is primary to be used in central Copenhagen with run-down roads with many crossroads and many turns.
The Fire Brigade is a contract-based business under the auspices of the city of Copenhagen Finance Administration.
The Copenhagen Fire Brigade is Environmental Management certified (ISO 14001). The systems must be environmental friendly with low environmental impact such as low and non toxic emissions, non toxic paints, plastics and materials, biodegradable oils, sandbags etc.
The systems must be easy, safe and healthy to operate and support.
By requesting prequalification, a set of standard documents and questionnaires have to be filled in with the requested information together with a Solemn Declaration, which has to be filled in and signed. The documents can be requested at the Point of Contact in para. I.1.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-05-07.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-03-28.
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