LOT M1: Continuous Ship Unloader (CSU) for wood pellets; LOT M2: Transport and silo discharge equipment for wood pellets; LOT M3: Hammer mill installation for wood pellets; LOT M4: Modification of existing boiler and milling plant for wood pellets

Vattenfall A/S

The purchase will be divided into four (4) different lots as described in the following. These may either be ordered as four (4) separate contracts or be freely combined into common contracts.
LOT M1: Continuous Ship Unloader (CSU) for wood pellets.
Supply of one Continuous Ship Unloader (CSU) for wood pellets at Amager Power Station located in the city of Copenhagen.
The supply includes engineering, purchase, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and documentation of one Continuous Ship Unloader for wood pellets in closed systems.
Travel length on existing quay is app. 250 m and loading to a closed quay conveyor. Unloading capacity of CSU is app. 600 ton/h from ships incl. coasters up to panamax ships.
Handling of wood pellets shall be according to ATEX regulations, dust and noise emissions shall be minimized.
The supplier shall be able to provide full maintenance and support to the equipment.
LOT M2: Wood Pellet transport and unloading equipment.
Supply of transport and silo discharge equipment for wood pellets from existing quay to milling plant at Amager Power Station located in the city of Copenhagen.
The supply includes engineering, purchase, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and documentation of transportation equipment from existing quay to milling system for wood pellets, including: Biomass hopper for existing crane, conveyors, turning points, sampling station, screens, magnets, fire and spark detections, roof construction of new storage silos, discharge system from storage silos and day silos, day silos, emergency emptying systems from conveyors and storages and fire fighting equipment.
Transportation capacity of wood pellets is app. 1 200 ton/h to storage silos and app. 400 ton/h from storage silos to day silos.
Storage capacity is based on two storage silos (app 50 000 m3 each) and two day silos (app. 150 m3 each).
Handling of wood pellets shall be in closed systems and according to ATEX regulations, dust and noise emissions shall be minimized.
The supplier shall be able to provide full maintenance and support to the equipment.
LOT M3: Hammer mill installation for wood pellets.
Supply of a complete hammer mill installation for 150 ton/h wood pellets at Amager Power Station located in the city of Copenhagen.
The supply includes engineering, purchase, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and documentation of storage silo, conveyor, screen, magnetic separator, weighing unit, hammer mill, filter unit, dedusting and pneumatic transport in dust pipes to burners, safety equipment (explosion suppression system and fire protection)
Complete building for hammer mill installation including: steel structure, cladding, walls and technical building installations.
The supplier shall be able to provide full maintenance and support to the equipment.
LOT M4: Modification of existing boiler and milling plant for wood pellets.
Supply of a full conversion of the existing milling and boiler plant from coal to wood pellets at Amager Power Station unit 3, located in the city of Copenhagen.
The boiler is a 600 MW thermal 2 pass Benson boiler from 1989. The boiler is PF(Pulverized Fuel) fired with four coal mills. Converted to wood pellets the milling capacity shall be app. 135 ton wood pellets/h.
The supply includes engineering, purchase, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing and documentation of the modification at existing coal mills/classifier for milling wood pellets, existing coal pipe system, existing coal burners, existing primary air system including fan, existing steam soot blower system and installation of new water soot blowers in furnace.
The supply also includes a flue gas cooler including ducts and steel structure. The flue gas cooler shall have a thermal capacity of approximate 20 MJ/s and shall be connected to the existing flue gas ducts in parallel to the air pre heater and cooled with condensate.
The supply includes modification of steel structures, walkways, platforms, stairs and installation of new is required.
The supplier shall be able to provide full maintenance and support to the equipment.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-02-11. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-12-19.




Dato Dokument
2012-12-19 Udbudsbekendtgørelse