Global Custody Agreement and Collateral Management Agreement
Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension wishes to enter into a Global Custody Agreement and a Collateral Management Agreement for a period of 4-6 years to replace the present agreement which terminates on 5.10.2013.
Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension - which is a pension fund organized as an independent, self-governing institution governed by law - will be the contracting party. The contract will include services to Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension as well as its subsidiaries and schemes and entities administered or managed by Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (collectively referred to as ATP in this notice).
ATP has chosen to split the contract notice into a Global Custody Agreement and a Collateral Management Agreement. ATP does not necessarily find these areas connected and integrated, and wishes to have the possibility to choose a separate vendor to the custody business and another one to the collateral management business or the same vendor for both businesses. Therefore it is possible to participate in either the tender regarding the Global Custody Agreement or the tender regarding the Collateral Management Agreement or both.
The Global Custody Agreement is to compromise custody/safekeeping and handling of securities including foreign currency transactions held or managed by ATP. We expect the agreement to include services relating to e.g. custody of securities, matching, clearing and settlement of trades, clearing and payment settlement of foreign currency transactions (e.g. via CLS), handling of proceeds and corporate actions, administration of dividend tax, and handling of settlement accounts in Danish Kroner (DKK) and other currencies. In addition the contract must contain an offer of being Paying Agent for ATP Alternative Investments K/S (at present listed in Ireland).
ATP’s expect the Collateral Management Agreement to include a complete administration of collateral regarding ATP’s OTC-contracts, including e.g. daily margin calculations, administering daily margin calls/recalls, deliveries/returns, substitution, dispute management, administering interest payments to/from counterparties and reconciliation of custody and cash accounts.
We expect the global custodian and collateral manager to adjust their services on an ongoing basis throughout the term of the agreements with ATP in step with changes in the market, products and best practice for the global custody industry and the collateral management industry, and that they are willing to develop new standards together with ATP.
Additional information can be found in the supporting documentation which may be obtained by contacting the person mentioned under Section I.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-10-08.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-09-04.
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