Fuel handling for DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

Manpower for handling of fuels and mineral products on the following of DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S's central power stations in Denmark: Asnæs power station, Avedøre power station, Esbjerg power station, and Studstrup power station.
Fuel handling at Stigsnæs power station is expected to start up ultimo 2013.
If the Tenderer is awarded a contract, it must expect to acquire the staff in the assigned location(s) in accordance with the rules in the Law on Employees' right in the event of Transfer of Undertakings, Act No. 710 of 20.8.2002. Any special conditions for the acquisition of the staff, including employment conditions, will be described in the tender conditions.
The approximate number of employees at each location is as follows:
Asnæs power station: 11 employees.
Avedøre power station: 17 employees.
Esbjerg power station: 14 employees.
Stigsnæs power station: 0 employees.
Studstrup power station: 16 employees.
The staff that must be acquired furthermore involves one management level with 4 employees and an administrative support function with 2 employees.
Prequalified suppliers will be able to access information about the employees in a virtual data room by signing a non disclosure agreement (NDA).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-11-23. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-11-02.




Dato Dokument
2012-11-02 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-04-19 Supplerende oplysninger