Framework agreement regarding purchase of minimum 8 Electro Optical systems (EO-systems) for RDAF EH101 helicopters including sustainment i.e. spare parts, support and maintenance, upgrades, support equipment, documentation and training
DALO intends to purchase a minimum of 8 EO-systems to be used on the RDAF EH101 Helicopters, in the Tactical Troop Transport (TTT) Role subject to the terms of a framework agreement. The framework agreement includes the non exclusive purchase of all necessary spare parts, support and maintenance, upgrades, support equipment, documentation and training needed for keeping the EO-systems operational. The purchase of 8 EO-systems is planned for delivery in 2013, with delivery of the first system before 1.9.2013.
The EO systems shall:
— support target detection and identification,
— assist landing and take off,
— support intelligence gathering,
— be designed for helicopter applications,
— be gimballed and gyro stabilized,
— have a Geo Pointing mode,
— have sensors for all light conditions,
— have Laser payload,
— have dual control (cockpit and cabin),
— be compatible with existing RDAF EH101 EO mechanical installation,
— have MIL STD 1553 interface compatible with existing RDAF EH101 software interface,
— be Military Off The Self (MOTS) equipment,
— have a minimum of 15 years of performance.
It is of paramount importance that DALO is able to purchase all necessary spare parts, support and maintenance, upgrades, support equipment, documentation and training needed for keeping the EO-systems in function. The initial procurement of 8 EO-systems will therefore have to be delivered with:
— an intial packet with the recommended spare parts and consumables,
— 14 sets of cables, connectors and adapters.
Further, the sustainment obligations include:
— support equipment for organic Depot Level Maintenance,
— maintenance documentation to support Depot Level Maintenance,
— operators documentation,
— transport containers,
— training of maintenance technicians,
— training of operators,
— delivery of spares,
— execution of repairs,
— execution of support,
— delivery of upgrades and modifications (hardware/software).
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-10-05.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-09-04.
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