Facility management at the establishments of the Danish Defence in Western Denmark, primarily in Jutland and Funen

Defence Command Denmark

The Contracting Authority (the Defence Command Denmark) hereby invites tenders for large sections of the facility management at the Danish Defence's establishments in Western Denmark.
The tender, which is based on the Defence Agreement 2010-2014, is anticipated to include between 400 and 450 establishments of varying size and will cover a major part of the current facility management at the establishments.
The contract awarded will be an integrated facility management contract, i.e. including a multidisciplinary management and coordination obligation which is expected to include the following service areas:
Service area A - Cleaning:
— General cleaning,
— Hotel cleaning,
— Window cleaning,
— Planting in offices and common areas.
Service area B – Canteen operation:
— Meals in the canteen,
— Catering for meetings, courses, events and exercises,
— Kiosk products,
— Coffee scheme,
— Fruit scheme.
Service area C – Area maintenance and winter service:
— Intensive maintenance of green areas,
— Nature and terrain maintenance,
— Winter service.
Service area D – Operating related tasks.
— Waste management,
— Simple building maintenance, including janitorial functions,
— Other operating tasks,
— Operation related tasks on shooting ranges and field firing ranges.
Not all services are being performed in all establishments. This depends on the relevant establishment's character and size. Among other things, the establishments consist of barracks, air bases, office buildings, training centres, depots, shooting ranges, target ranges, drill grounds and training grounds.
The duration of the contract is four years with the option of extension by up to 24 months, cf. section II.2.2). To a limited extent, there may be staggered start of operation as well as staggered end of operation. The specific terms in this respect will appear from the tender documents.
The responsibility for providing the services in question rests at present with the Installation Management Command (Forsvarets Bygnings- og Etablissementstjeneste). The Installation Management Command itself provides the majority of the services (own production) but also, to a limited extent, makes use of external service providers (outsourcing). The tender is carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Danish Act on Employees' Rights in the event of Transfer of Undertaking, cf. section III 1.4) below.
The Installation Management Command will prepare a control bid for the task. The purpose of the control bid is to clarify whether it will be more advisable to handle a task internally or externally. Therefore, this is not a bid in the traditional sense of public tender rules´.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-01-11. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-11-16.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2012-11-16 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2012-12-21 Supplerende oplysninger
2013-09-26 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter