Copenhagen Metro - Passenger Counting System

Metroselskabet I/S

This contract notice relates to the procurement of a new passenger counting system for the Copenhagen Metro.
The Passenger Counting System (PCS) provides counting information of all passengers travelling on the existing metro lines in Copenhagen, covering 22 stations (both above and below grounds). The systems must be able to register and tally people going into and out of the stations using sensors placed at all entry and exit points (approx. 64 locations in total).
The scope of work shall include design, build, test (including all design proving, acceptance and system verification tests), supply, and testing and commissioning of the metro passenger counting system as well as training of the operation and maintenance staff.
The following technical criteria are fixed criteria for the new passenger counting system:
— sensors must communicate with a central database server,
— access to the central database server will be web based,
— extraction of miscellaneous user defined reports must be possible from the web based interface,
— supply and installation of the central database server and supporting software is part of the contract,
— the PCS must have the means to check the real-time accuracy of the sensors,
— the PCS must be able to perform self-diagnosis of the sensors and report any discrepancies.
The contract holder shall make an undertaking regarding spare parts availability.
The system must adhere to the following performance criteria:
— accuracy on each counter rod/ location, not less than 98 % (total and directional),
— the accuracy shall be achieved within a height limitation, from the floor to the counting sensor at 2,4 - 3,5 meters,
— the accuracy shall be achieved unaffected by light intensity, temperature, humidity and speed of the passengers moving under each sensor.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-05-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-04-02.




Dato Dokument
2012-04-02 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2012-04-30 Supplerende oplysninger