Aarhus Light Rail Transit System - Infrastructure and Rolling stock
The Aarhus Light Rail system (AL System) will comprise a new light rail section to be constructed in the region of Aarhus. The construction will include the interconnection between the new AL system and the existing railways to the cities of Odder (southbound) and Grenaa (north east bound). The tender regards design and build of all infrastructure and rolling stock for the AL system which also includes a time limited maintenance of the rolling stock (6 years with an option for further three years). It consists of a solution for infrastructure and 2 parallel options for rolling stock:
Supply and installation of all necessary light rail infrastructure incl. track and OCS (750 V dc), CMC (depot and control centre), substations, tele/radio, passenger info etc. for part of the light rail transit system. Adjustment of infrastructure on some sections. Workshop and depot in Aarhus Station Area. Rolling stock is procured through parallel options as described in II.2.2.
The sections of the AL System, which have to be electrified covers approximately 14 km of new sections to be constructed in the inner city of Aarhus, 70 km section on the existing Grenaa Railway and 30 km section on the existing Odder Railway.
The construction phase is expected to commence in February 2014 and to be concluded in December 2016.
For more information on the sections and the envisaged outline of the AL System referral is made to the web-site:
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-09-24.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-07-06.
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