TV Production System

TV 2/Bornholm

This tender concerns the delivery of a TV production system and playout solution for TV 2/Bornholm, Brovangen 1, DK-3720 Aakirkeby, Denmark. The system is to replace TV 2/Bornholm's existing system and the installation is planned for October and November 2011.
The tender includes new equipment and software, system integration to existing production facilities, installation, training and support agreement.
The tender is divided into two lots:
Lot 1 comprises a TV production system including ingest, central storage, editing and playout system. Lot 2 comprises dedicated playout solution for a 24/7/365 broadcast channel.
The production systems must be optimised for the following types of production: News, features and documentary programming. The systems must be file-based and the tender covers the following types of components for news, features and documentary programming: Video editing systems in versions for journalist editing, video editing systems for craft editing (the system must support both SD and HD systems, SAN / NAS for shared storage of media files), media management system, facilities for ingesting live feeds and other media files, video servers for play-out applications with capability of handling several simultaneous play-out channels.
The system must be dedicated and optimised for television production and must fully support ingests of baseband audio and video and ingest based on files. The system must be able to work in standard definition PAL as well in several high definition formats, including – but not limited to – 720P/50 and 1080i/50. The system must be able to easily import material of non-broadcast formats like windows media, flash, mpeg, quicktime. The system must be able to easily export material in broadcast formats for exchange with other broadcast facilities and in non-broadcast formats for review and use on internet.
The system must be capable of handling several ingest, editing and playout jobs simultaneously.
The tenderer must include relevant information about support agreement extending to a term of five years (extent of service, upgrade path, pricing), expected end-of-delivery for additional equipment, end-of-service date for parts in the system and other relevant dates.
The tenderer must be able to demonstrate the tendered solution and/or supply a demo system for evaluation at TV 2/Bornholm's premises. The tenderer must be able to provide information about existing tv stations using the solution with a workflow as close as possible to the expected workflow at TV 2/Bornholm, and if requested to arrange visits to such tv stations.
The system includes integration to the following infrastructure and existing systems:
— Video infrastructure based on SDI / HDSDI, audio infrastructure based on AES/EBU,
— Newsroom computer system: ENPS version 6,
— Aveco Astra automation system,
— Chyron character generators.
Lot 1: short description: TV production system. The solution must support a production workflow for news, features and documentary programming primary based on material origin from P2 camcorders running dcvpro25, dvcpro50, avcintra50 and avcintra100. The system offered must be based on the latest, but well-documented technology, and include a high level of redundancy, especially in the area of the shared storage and playout. The quantity of the tender is: Video editing units in different levels of functionality, craft editors (HW or SW based) features and documentary programming x 4, news editors/journalist editors (SW based) x 20, laptop with editors (SW based) x 3 SAN/NAS; the shared storage capacity to be approx. 1 500 hours measured at avcintra50.
Optional parts:
— subtitling,
— archive,
— expanding the quantity of editors,
— expanding the amount of storage.
Lot 2: short description: Playout solution. The system must support playout for a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year television channel. The system offered must be based on the latest, but well-documented technology, and include a high level of redundancy. The system must support a high level of automation and be able to do automatic playout from playlists without human interference. The system must support file-based transfer from an editing system and support ingest of live material. The system must support playout of material still being ingested, i.e. time-shift functionality.
The system must be able to do cuts, dissolves fade to black between items in a playlist. The system must be able to key pre-prepared and dynamically generated (based on database and rss-feeds) graphic over items and full-screen graphics between items.
The solution may be a "channel in a box"-solution or may be achieved using separate servers, mixers, keyers, etc.
The storage on the playout system must be approx. 50 hours.
Optional parts:
— expanding the amount of storage.
Estimated price ranges:
Lot 1: 2 500 000 DKK-3 500 000 DKK.
Lot 2: 500 000 DKK-1 000 000 DKK.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-05-06. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-03-31.




Dato Dokument
2011-03-31 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2011-06-14 Supplerende oplysninger