Technical assistance for the role of « the Engineer » on the sub-component Urban Water Supply of the Danish Swedish programme for assistance to PROSEA 2010-2014

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

The services to be provided under the contract are the technical assistance to the "Société Malienne de Patrimoine de l’Eau Potable (SOMAPEP)" regarding the urban water supply activities in the sub-component "Hydraulique Urbaine" under the component "Appui au Budget Programme par Objectifs (BPO) Eau". This component is one of three components in the Danish - Swedish Sector Programme Support to Mali’s National Water and Sanitation Sector Programme PROSEA. The component also comprises two other sub-components within Rural Water Supply and Integrated Water Resources Management respectively, whose technical assistance is not covered by this contract.
The immediate objectives of the sub-component are;
1) To improve the access to drinking water in certain urban centres outside Bamako.
2) To develop the capacity of the institution responsible for promotion of urban water supply services by assisting it in developing a strategic plan for investments in the urban centres outside Bamako.
3) To develop the capacities of the local authorities in their collaboration with the institution responsible for promotion of urban water supply services.
The services to be provided under this contract comprise a) the identification of the water resources required to supply water in the short to medium term in 4 urban centres (Kayes, Kati, Koutiala and Sikasso), b) the design, planning, control and supervision of the civil works related to improving access to drinking water in these urban centres, c) support in connection with tendering and elaboration of contracts for the civil works in the centres and d) Technical Assistance to assist SOMAPEP elaborate development plans for 18 urban centres outside Bamako and incorporate the plans into the master plan of SOMAPEP.
The services are to be provided in two phases. The first phase covers technical assistance to a) the identification and mobilisation (including supervision of drilling of production boreholes) of water resources in the urban centres and b) the detailed design and preparation of tender documents for the civil works in the centres. It is expected that these services will be carried out between mid 2011 and the end of 2012, .The second phase covering the remaining services are optional subject to fulfilment of certain preconditions by SOMAPEP concerning institutional reforms as defined in the subcomponent document. These are planned for the period from 2013 to mid 2015.
The services are to be carried out by a pool of international and national advisors to be posted with long term and short term inputs. The input of the international advisors totals for phase 1 30 man-months and for phase 2 34 man months over a period of 48 months. The input of local advisors is for phase 1 49 man months and for phase 2 58 man-months over a period of 48 months.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-03-10. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-02-07.

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Dato Dokument
2011-02-07 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2011-06-30 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter