Replacement and commissioning of components in a coal handling and feeding system, incl. bottom ash handling at Studstrup 400 MW Power Station

DONG Energy Power A/S

Replacement/overhaul and commissioning of components in a coal handling (1 500 t/h, 500 m) and power plant feeding system (750 t/h, approx 250 m). The scope will include coal transfer points, cladding, gears, motors, alignment conveyor system, screen-crusher (approx 1 500 t/h). Also includes misc equipment for bottom ash handling and unloading (approx 100 t/h, 100 m).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-10-24. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-09-26.




Dato Dokument
2011-09-26 Udbudsbekendtgørelse