Purchase of 4 new surveillance radars for ships and options to purchase up to further two new surveillance radars for ships and two landbased new surveillance radars (the acquisition contract) plus a framework agreement regarding spare parts and service to the radars (the framework agreement)
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase 4 new seabased surveillance radars for the THETIS class with options to buy up to further two seabased radars and two landbased radars.
The Surveillance Radar System will be the primary sensor for helicopter approach and short to long range air & surface surveillance and target tracking in all weather and sea states (SS) within the ships operational envelope. The THETIS class will operate in all waters of the world especially in the arctic area. The THETIS class has been equipped with two civilian navigation radars according to IMO standards (X- and S-band).
The Surveillance Radar System must be optimized for all weather detection and tracking of small, fast and low RCS surface targets out to the radar horizon (estimated to be a minimum of 15 NM from the ship). In contradiction to the navigation radar system, the Surveillance Radar System will be under C4I control directly from the operation room.
The radar system will be one of the primary sensors for the gathering of information, detection and target tracking (Air and Surface) in the littoral and asymmetric warfare scenario.
Track correlation between the individual sensors (surface, air, IR, etc.) will be performed by the C4I system.
The antenna of the Surveillance Radar sensor will be placed on top of the main mast in a dome, designed to minimise reflection and attenuation from the given radar, and its height will be 25 meters above sea level.
The antenna of the Surveillance Radar must be able to integrate an IFF antenna and the radar system must be able to deliver all relevant data for the IFF to function proper.
Preferably the radar sensor should also be able to be used by the Fire Control System (FCS) in a secondary role by transmitting Track While Scan (TWS) data to the C4I system on selected surface tracks.
It is of paramount importance that DALO will be able to purchase relevant spare parts to the surveillance radars. The radars will therefore have to be delivered with an initial spare parts packet with the most common spare parts. In addition DALO will enter into a non-exclusive framework agreement under which DALO can buy all relevant spare parts needed for keeping the radars in function for at the next seven years; ie. this notice covers an acqusition contract regarding the surveillance radars and a framework agreement regarding relevant spare parts and service for the radars. The service part of the framework agreement is expected to be limited. The contract award criteria is joint for the two contracts and DALO will thus award the two contracts to the same tenderer. The framework agreement regarding the spare parts encompasses an option to prolong the framework agreement for another 7 years if there at the time for the expiration of the ordinary 7 years period is no relevant market for the necesary spare parts. This will be further elaborated in the tender documents.
The acquisition contract includes relevant education in using and maintaining the radars. It also includes all relevant technical documentation. The above mentioned is based on the rquirements to the seabased radars. The requirement to the landbased radars included in the option is similar, however with relevant adjustmensts as a consequence of the fact that the radars will not be mounted on ships. The radars could be placed at naval schools and should therefore have the same interfaces and control as the seabased. The radars would be mounted on steady ground, with normal landbased power.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-02-01.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-12-21.
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