Mechanical and electrical technology supplies for a new combined heat and power producing waste incineration line in Hoersholm, Denmark

I/S Nordforbrænding

Mechanical and electrical works for a new combined heat and power producing waste incineration line with a capacity of 10 tonnes waste per hour, with one common turbine/generator system.
The waste incineration line is based on a moving grate concept, steam boiler with SNCR, followed by semi-dry flue gas treatment, including electrical system, control and monitoring system and all necessary auxiliary systems.
The works are divided in 3 lots:
Lot A: one waste incineration unit including incinerator based on moving grate technology, steam boiler, SNCR and lot specific electrical installations, control and monitoring system and all necessary auxiliary systems. Further overall CMS system for the facility.
Lot B: one semi-dry flue gas cleaning systems including, silos for consumables and residues, lot specific electrical installations, control and monitoring system and all necessary auxiliary systems. Optional condensing scrubber, heat pump installation and SCR.
Lot C: an approximately 7,5 MW steam turbine and generator system, district heating condensers, lot specific electrical installations, control and monitoring system and all necessary auxiliary systems.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-06-21. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-05-17.




Dato Dokument
2011-05-17 Udbudsbekendtgørelse