GMES initial operations 2011–2013 — land monitoring services: high resolution land cover characteristics of 5 main land cover types — 6 lots

EEA Procurement Services

The framework contract aims at providing high resolution land cover characteristics data complementary to the Corine land cover map 2012 that will be produced in parallel by the European environmental observation and information network (Eionet) and the EEA from the same satellite data. The 5 high resolution layers deal with artificial surfaces, forest areas, agriculture areas, wetlands, water bodies for the reference year 2012. The production of the 5 high resolution layers (HRLs) as part of the GMES initial operations (GIO) pan-European land monitoring services will be organised as a mix of centralised production by industry and decentralised delivery by EEA member and cooperating countries.
In order to deal appropriately with the volume and complexity of the content of this tender, a breakdown in lots for the production of the HRLs is envisaged along 3 major axes:
— a thematic split of the HRL production that reflects the input images that are used to produce the HRL (i.e. HR or MR data). The thematic split also reflects the level of methodological maturity of the approach,
— the geographic distribution of the EEA39 territory in lots is designed along national boundaries,
— to the extent feasible, the geographic distribution of the EEA39 in lots will comprise homogeneous (groups of) European bio-geographical regions.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-09-19. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-07-26.

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Dato Dokument
2011-07-26 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2011-12-21 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter