Evaluation of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke – ActionAid Denmark
A comprehensive external evaluation of Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke was last carried out in 2003 – commissioned by Danida. The report, "MS at a crossroad", was an important input to the internal change process that started hereafter. In 2005 "partnership against poverty" was approved as a new strategic orientation – also in relation to the capacity building and personnel activities. In 2006 MS decided on a "democracy focus" of its activities.
In the period from 2006 to 2011, MS embarked on an ambitious reorientation of the organisation – while maintaining the fundamental mission, vision and values of the organisation, the aim has been to reform MS to better address the external opportunities and challenges, to re-establish an active membership base and to become more relevant in a more globalised world.
Some of the changes have been:
— Refocusing all our work in our programme countries to match the democracy (governance) focus and to build a ‘knowledge organisation’ around that work,
— The establishment of global contact as an important way of attracting young (and older) people to MS, to promote voluntarism and to further develop peer to peer information and mobilisation work in Denmark,
— Reform the "development worker programme" to a more south-south (and international) programme – The People4Change programme (P4C),
— Establishing (and embracing) fundraising as an important part of our mission,
— Coordinating and professionalising all our training activities in Training4Change (T4C) and establishing global platforms (training institutions) in Denmark, Nepal, Tanzania, Kenya, El Salvador and Jordan,
— Building a campaign organisation in Denmark – especially focusing on youth participation in campaign and information work (and fundraising),
— Becoming a member of ActionAid International (AAI) – and contributing to building it as a strong international federation,
New AADK strategy.
Over the past 2 years, MS/AADK has been guided by a transitional strategy: "MS in transition". Following the new international strategy of AAI (which AADK has been actively involved in developing), AADK wishes to develop a new strategy that falls within the international strategy and outlines how AADK will contribute to the objectives of this strategy.
A number of external evaluations of elements of AADK’s work is being carried out this year:
1) Comprehensive evaluations of the programme work supported by AADK in most of its programme countries (Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Nepal, Guatemala and MENA.
2) External review of Recycle for development (a program AADK implements on a contract with Danida). The overall evaluation of AADK’s work (this evaluation) will summarise, incorporate and draw on findings from these other evaluations.
The evaluation will summarize and build on the findings from these evaluations, and will evaluate how the Training4Change and People4Change interventions have contributed to capacity building of partners in the SouthThe overall objectives of this evaluation are:
1. To give an overall assessment of the relevance of the decisions and direction taken by MS over the past 6 years (re. bullets above) – vis-à-vis the general developments in the external environment – including the Danish CSO strategy.
2. Carry out an assessment of the level of success MS has had with implementing its various strategies and meeting the annual plans and targets.
3. Give input to the internal discussion within AADK, and to AADK’s discussions with AAI and with Danida on the strategic and programmatic direction of AADK (the new strategy) over the coming 6 years.
4. Provide the evaluation inputs as agreed in the MoUs with AAI within the fields of T4C, P4C, Governance Theme and Activista.
The evaluation is expected to be carried out during October and November 2011. A final report has to be ready by the beginning of December 2011.
Data will be collected through interviews with key stakeholders in AADK and through field visits; a visit to India or Myanmar to study the people for change activities and the AAI Fellows project is foreseen as well as field visits in two selected countries in Africa with experience from training activities, inspirators (personnel assistance), and AADK supported programme activities.
It is important that applicants can prove experience from previous evaluations, including experience with similar evaluations of NGOs and experience with strategy and organizational development in NGOs or evaluation of this. Experience with campaign work and communication strategies may also be relevant.
Please note that at least one team member must know the Danish political context and be able to read documents in Danish.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-06-30.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-06-01.
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