Delivery of services in relation to Rolls-Royce AE2100D3 engines for C-130J Hercules

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization -(DALO))

Establishment of a framework agreement with one or more Rolls-Royce certified contractor(s) in relation to services concerning nineteen (19) AE-2100D3 engines including twenty (20) Propeller Gearboxes (PGB). The engines are subjected to approximately 600 flight hours per year, used on The Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF), fleet of four (4) C130J-30 aircraft. The applicant shall be able and certified to execute all of the following aspects pertaining the AE-2100D3 engine:
A) Depot level light and heavy maintenance including test, repair, overhaul and modification of the AE-2100D3 engine.
B) Test, repair, overhaul and modification of the nacelle (QECA).
C) Sending repair teams to home base.
D) Supply of parts, equipment, tools etc. required to perform line maintenance by RDAF.
E) Provision of technical assistance such as publication updates, engineering, supervision of engine data etc.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-06-03. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-05-02.




Dato Dokument
2011-05-02 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-04-07 Supplerende oplysninger