Consultancy services for sector support programme for water, hygiene and sanitation, Phase 2, 2012-2016, (Paseha 2)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

The programme, which is conditional upon approval by the competent authorities, has 2 components:
1. A component "Water Supply and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)". This component comprises the rehabilitation/construction of water points in the regions of Zinder and Diffa and support for further institutional reforms (central level) and their implementation at regional level. The component is placed under the responsibility of Ministry of Water and Environment. The 2 Regional Directorates coordinate the activities of the component at the regional level and act as clients representative and administrators of investments on behalf of the municipalities. The component will improve access to safe drinking water for approximately 202 750 people in Zinder and for approximately 80 000 people in Diffa;
2. A component "Promotion of Hygiene and Sanitation" which aims to increase the coverage of household, public, and school latrines. It also includes support for strengthening the institutional capacity of the central level actors and that of the decentralized level actors. In accordance with the institutional framework defined by the Strategy for Rural Development, the coordination of this component will be provided by Ministry of Water and Environment. Technical monitoring of the operational implementation activities will be conducted by the decentralized services of the Ministry of Public Health. The investment credits will be delegated to the Departmental Directorates of Water on behalf of municipalities. The realization of basic sanitation facilities will benefit about 500 000 people.
The following technical assistance (person months) is foreseen:
— International Team Leader 26.5,
— Local Hygiene and Sanitation Expert 26.5,
— Local Accountancy Specialist 50.5,
— International Hygiene and Sanitation Expert 10,
— International IWRM Expert institutional aspects 6,
— International IWRM Expert technical aspects 6,
— Local IWRM Expert 10,
— International Private Sector Specialist 8,
— Pool of Experts to be identified 13.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2011-12-19. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2011-11-11.

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Dato Dokument
2011-11-11 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2012-06-28 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter