Leverandør: Suez Water A/S (part of consortium ‘Suez-MTH’)

Et arkiveret indkøb

Suez Water A/S (part of consortium ‘Suez-MTH’) har historisk set været en leverandør af industrimaskiner, diverse maskiner til generelle og specielle formål og diverse specialmaskiner.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Suez Water A/S (part of consortium ‘Suez-MTH’) er nævnt

2020-07-16   Permanent MBBR Project (Danish Oil Pipe A/S)
This tender concerns the procurement of: (a) an EPC Turnkey delivery of a wastewater treatment plant with a biological treatment step based on MBBR technology for Danish Oil Pipe A/S’ Oil Terminal in Fredericia, Denmark; and (b) an O&M Contract for operation and maintenance of the delivered MBBR Plant. Both contracts are awarded combined as one lot (the reasoning for this is described in the tender conditions). The estimated value below in section II.1.5) is based on the expected costs of the EPC Turnkey … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: MT Højgaard A/S (part of consortium ‘Suez-MTH’) Suez Water A/S (part of consortium ‘Suez-MTH’)