Leverandør: Rambøll — Energi — Generelt

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Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Rambøll — Energi — Generelt er nævnt

2020-01-15   5 Inspection Supervisor for the Baltic Pipe Project at the Compressor Station Everdrup (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
The contracting authority wants to purchase consultancy services in form of 5 inspectors for the Baltic Pipe Project all located at the Compressor Station Everdrup. The 5 inspectors are allocated as follows: Lot 1: A Mechanical Supervisor; Lot 2: A E&I Supervisor; Lot 3: A Senior Mechanical Supervisor; Lot 4: A Senior E&I Supervisor; Lot 5: A Senior Civil Supervisor. The inspection is related to all project and on-site activities ranging from HSE, design, fabrication, installation, quality assurance and … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rambøll — Energi — Generelt