Leverandør: Primo Marine The Netherlands B.V.

Et arkiveret indkøb

Primo Marine The Netherlands B.V. har historisk set været en leverandør af arkitekt-, konstruktions-, ingeniør- og inspektionsvirksomhed, ingeniørvirksomhed og rådgivning inden for ingeniørvæsen og byggeri.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Primo Marine The Netherlands B.V. er nævnt

2022-04-22   Protection Study for Danish Submarine power cables (Energinet Eltransmission A/S)
Following a decision in the Danish Parliament June 2020 Denmark is on the path to establish off-shore energy infrastructure in the Danish North Sea and in the Danish Baltic Sea to connect offshore wind energy to the Danish mainland and to neighbouring countries via offshore energy hubs, called Energy islands. The current tender concern consultancy services regarding external threat and risk assessment as well as assessment of sufficient cable burial depths for the two Energy Islands’ expected subsea … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Primo Marine The Netherlands B.V. Rambøll – Energi – Gas og rørledninger