Leverandør: N/A see section VI.2

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Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren N/A see section VI.2 er nævnt

2020-12-11   Flexible Parts for Small Arms and Light Weapons (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
The Danish Defence wishes to enter into 7 year framework agreements regarding flexible parts for small arms and light weapons. The Danish Police are also entitled to use the Framework Agreements. The Danish Defence operates in various environments across the globe. The various environments and different needs from the operators, demands for flexible parts to personalize and modularize the individual weapons to these environments and/or the operator. Flexible parts include accessories, magazines, grips, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Leo Nielsen Trading ApS N/A see section VI.2 Precision Technic Defence A/S Rally point Tactical Scandinavia ApS