Leverandør: LINSCAN Advanced Pipe lines & tanks services

Et arkiveret indkøb

LINSCAN Advanced Pipe lines & tanks services har historisk set været en leverandør af virksomhed med relation til olie- og gasindustrien og ekspertbistand til gasindustrien.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren LINSCAN Advanced Pipe lines & tanks services er nævnt

2016-10-03   Pigging Services 2017 — 2019 (Energinet.dk)
The Contracting Authority wants to purchase an in-line inspection of three (3) pipelines during 2017, two (2) pipelines during 2018 and four (4) pipelines during 2019. Furthermore the tender includes an option of an intelligent survey with a multiple intelligent pig tool for one (1) pipeline. The option is to be seen as optional and will not be a part of the evaluation. Se udbuddet »
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