Leverandør: Joint venture: Iemants & Jan De Nul

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Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Joint venture: Iemants & Jan De Nul er nævnt

2016-02-26   Gravity Based Sub-Structures for KFA and KFBE Offshore Substations (OSS) for Kriegers Flak (Energinet.dk)
Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction and offshore Installation based on Employers basic design and general specifications of 2 gravity based substructures (GBS). The substructures are to be used as foundations for the 3 AC offshore substation topsides (KFA, KFB and KFE) for 2 projects called Kriegers Flak AC and Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (CGS). Fabrication and Transportation of substructures to the offshore construction site, preparation of seabed, placement of the substructures, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Joint venture: Iemants & Jan De Nul