Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren GEA Westfalia Separator DK A/S er nævnt
2018-08-29Procurement of a Decanter Centrifuge for separation of coagulated protein (Aarhus Universitet)
The Procurement concerns a Contract for the delivery of a Decanter that will be an essential unit operation in the demonstration plant of the Danish GUDP funded GRØNBIORAF project. The purpose of the demonstration plant is to establish an open research and development plat-form for green biorefining at relatively large scale (input capacities of 10-20 ton/hr), processing fresh green biomasses, such as grasses and legumes, for production of protein feed/food, bio-chemicals, biomaterials and bioenergy.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:GEA Westfalia Separator DK A/S
2018-08-29Procurement of a Decanter Centrifuge for separation of coagulated protein (Aarhus Universitet)
The Procurement concerns a Contract for the delivery of a Decanter that will be an essential unit operation in the demonstration plant of the Danish GUDP funded Grønbioraf project. The purpose of the demonstration plant is to establish an open research and development plat-form for green biorefining at relatively large scale (input capacities of 10-20 ton/hr), processing fresh green biomasses, such as grasses and legumes, for production of protein feed/food, bio-chemicals, biomaterials and bioenergy.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:GEA Westfalia Separator DK A/S
2015-04-23Prækvalifikation: Udskiftning af slamafvandingsudstyr på Hammel Renseanlæg (Favrskov Spildevand A/S)
Favrskov Spildevand A/S ønsker at etablere en ny slamafvandingsløsning på Hammel Renseanlæg, hvor der afvandes ca. 400 tons TS årligt. Leverancen skal i hovedtræk omfatte nedtagning af eksisterende udstyr samt projektering og levering og montering af en slamafvandingsenhed (centrifuge) med tilhørende transportsystem for afvandet slam, slamcontainere, el-tavler og -installationer og styringssystem m.v.
Det nye udstyr skal installeres i eksisterende bygning og bygningsarbejder er ikke indeholdt i …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:GEA Westfalia Separator DK A/S