Leverandør: eFront SAS

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Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren eFront SAS er nævnt

2016-02-26   Private Equity Software Solution for Vækstfonden (FIONA) (Vækstfonden (The Danish Growth Fund ))
Vækstfonden is a state investment fund that contributes to the creation of new companies by providing capital and expertise. Since 1992, Vækstfonden has together with private investors co-financed growth in more than 5 400 Danish companies with a total commitment of more than 15 000 000 000 DKK. Vækstfonden is interested in acquiring a new system that can serve as a Private Equity Software Solution. The System is to be used by 20 employees in Vækstfonden as investor solution for the Venture department … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: eFront SAS