Offentlige indkøb i Danmark
Leverandør: DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture
Leverandør: DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture
Et arkiveret indkøb
DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture har historisk set været en leverandør af
offentlig administration, forsvar og socialsikring
tjenester for lokalsamfundet
tjenester vedrørende udenrigsanliggender og lignende
Historisk set har konkurrerende tilbudsgivere været
Danish Institute for Human rights
International Media Support
Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture er nævnt
Programme for Human Rights and Inclusion of the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Department for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
The purpose of the assignment is to implement the DAPP Human Rights Programme in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, and Jordan as well as a potential expansion of activities to Algeria. The deliverable will contribute to the Programme’s overall objective which is to promote and protect human rights with a focus on youth. To achieve this objective, the Programme will work with both rights holders and duty bearers with a particular emphasis on youth. The Programme is divided into two phases. The commencement of …
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Nævnte leverandører:
Danish Institute for Human rights
DIGNITY, Danish Institute against torture
International Media Support
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