Leverandør: Arizaga, Bastarrica Y Cia

Et arkiveret indkøb

Arizaga, Bastarrica Y Cia har historisk set været en leverandør af industrimaskiner, maskiner til produktion og udnyttelse af mekanisk energi og pumper og kompressorer.
Historisk set har konkurrerende tilbudsgivere været Fornovogas Srl og Kwangshin Machine Ind. Co. Ltd.

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Arizaga, Bastarrica Y Cia er nævnt

2018-10-26   Framework Agreement for Gas Compressor Packages (Energinet Teknik og Anlæg A/S)
Energinet tenders for a Framework Agreement for compressors for injection of upgraded biogas into the 19/40 barg distribution grid or the 80 barg natural gas transmission grid in Denmark. The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pressure range. Basically, the units shall cover the capacity range from 500 Nm3/hr to 6 000 Nm3/hr, with an inlet pressure of approx. either 4, 7, 19 or 40 barg and an outlet pressure of approx. 19, 40 or 80 barg. They shall be … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Arizaga, Bastarrica Y Cia Fornovogas Srl Kwangshin Machine Ind. Co. Ltd