Leverandør: Agnthos AB

Et arkiveret indkøb

Nylige indkøb, hvor leverandøren Agnthos AB er nævnt

2018-09-19   Metabolic Cages (Syddansk Universitet)
This tender relates to the purchase of cages for metabolic, behavioral and physiological phenotyping of mice (metabolic cages).The). The cages will be implemented at the Biomedical laboratory at SDU, where they will be available for all research groups at SDU and Odense Universitets Hospital (OUH) upon request and prior training. The metabolic cages will be purchased with the direct purpose of supporting the research in the newly established Center for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (ATLAS) … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Agnthos AB
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