2012-06-19   782/12 Prequalification for Transformer oil purifying and regeneration plant (Energinet.dk)
Transformer oil purifying and regeneration plant. Energinet.dk intends to acquire a mobile transformer oil regeneration system for regeneration of transformer oil and evacuation/oil filling of new transformers. Energinet.dk expects the equipment to fulfil these basic requirements: — Built in to a container suitable for transportation on a semitrailer, — Oil capacity: Approximately 6,000 litre/hour, — Reactivation of saturated filter media (Fuller's Earth), — Oil heating with an integrated oil burner. … Se udbuddet »
2012-05-15   782/12 pre-qualification for supply of mobile transformer oil regeneration system (Energinet.dk)
Production and delivery of equipment for regeneration of transformer oil and evacuation/oil filling of new transformers: — The equipment must be built in to a container suitable for transportation by truck, — Oil capacity approx. 6000 litre per hour. Se udbuddet »