Indkøb: The Danish Road Directorate

2 arkiverede indkøb

Historisk set har leverandørerne til The Danish Road Directorate været MT Højgaard Danmark A/S, NV BESIX S.A. og Rambøll Danmark A/S.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af The Danish Road Directorate

2021-11-26   933005-TE010 Nordhavnstunnel (The Danish Road Directorate)
The Danish Road Directorate shall construct the Nordhavnstunnel on behalf of the City of Copenhagen. This design and build contract covers the construction of a 1,4 km cut-and-cover road tunnel in Copenhagen from Svanevænget across the Svanemøllehavn harbour and out to Nordhavn. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: MT Højgaard Danmark A/S NV BESIX S.A.
2019-12-07   Nordhavnstunnel, Hovedrådgivning (The Danish Road Directorate)
The Danish Road Directorate shall perform as the client on behalf of Copenhagen Municipality for the construction of the Nordhavnstunnel. The Project entails the construction of a tunnel across the Svanemølle bay in continuation of the Nordhavnsvej-tunnel and the construction of a replacement harbour in Færgehavn Nord. The Danish Road Directorate wish to appoint a main consultant, who will support the Danish Road Directorate with the delivery of the Project. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Rambøll Danmark A/S