Indkøb: European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Denmark,COMM.DGA1.C.CO – Copenhagen

2 arkiverede indkøb

European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Denmark,COMM.DGA1.C.CO – Copenhagen har historisk set været en køber af forretningstjenesteydelser: forskrifter, markedsføring, rådgivning, rekruttering, trykning og sikkerhed, efterforsknings- og sikkerhedstjenester og sikkerhedstjenester.
Historisk set har leverandørerne til European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Denmark,COMM.DGA1.C.CO – Copenhagen været Coor Service Management og G4S Security Services A/S.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Denmark,COMM.DGA1.C.CO – Copenhagen

2022-10-14   Security Guard and Reception/Switchboard Services for the Premises of the EU-House in Copenhagen, Denmark (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Denmark,COMM.DGA1.C.CO – Copenhagen)
Security guard and reception/switchboard services for the premises of the EU-House in Copenhagen, Denmark. The current contract expires 30 April 2023. Hence, a new restricted call for tenders for a four years service contract will be launched with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Denmark as participating contracting authority and with the EC as leading contracting authority. Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: G4S Security Services A/S