Indkøb: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department

Et arkiveret indkøb

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department har historisk set været en køber af offentlig administration, forsvar og socialsikring, tjenester for lokalsamfundet og tjenester vedrørende udenrigsanliggender og lignende.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department

2019-07-01   Evaluation of Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation (Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Evaluation Department)
The Evaluation Department (EVAL) under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will commission an evaluation of the strategic sector cooperation initiative in all its dimensions and assess whether, how, and why the Initiative has succeeded in delivering concrete results and in co-creating value in accordance with its 3 overall objectives mentioned earlier. The objective of the evaluation is also to assess the current governance and management arrangements in the light of the diversity and continued … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: PEMconsult A/S