Indkøb: Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

Et arkiveret indkøb

Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization har historisk set været en køber af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, luft- og rumfartøjer og helikoptere, fly, rumfartøjer og andre motoriserede luftfartøjer.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

2022-02-17   Lease of Patrol/ISR Aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization)
DALO is tendering a leasing contract for two ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) Aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFHG). The aircraft shall be equipped with mission equipment in terms of sensors, mission consoles and communication, enabling DAFHG to fulfil their missions, such as surveillance, inspection, observation, reconnaissance and SAR, while communicating with assets on the ground. Flight hours per year are expected to be (but not limited to) approximately 1000 in total … Se udbuddet »