Indkøb: City of Copenhagen, The Technical and Environmental Administration

Et arkiveret indkøb

City of Copenhagen, The Technical and Environmental Administration har historisk set været en køber af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, diverse transportudstyr og reservedele og vejudstyr.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af City of Copenhagen, The Technical and Environmental Administration

2013-03-01   City furniture and bus shelters with advertising surfaces (City of Copenhagen, The Technical and Environmental Administration)
Long-term contract starting mid-2014 on renewal, installation, operations and maintenance of city furniture and bus shelters in the City of Copenhagen. The contract also covers administration and sales of advertising surfaces on the city furniture and bus shelters, as well as development of new city furniture and bus shelters, installation and new structures. City furniture and bus shelters provide important functions for citizens, the business community, institutions and the municipality itself, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: AFA JCDecaux A/S