2022-11-18Purchase of electricity for grid losses in the period 01-01-2023 to 31- 12-2024 - Cerius (Cerius A/S)
The tender is regarding a Contract for Purchase of electricity for grid losses in Cerius. According to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet 2014/25/EF from 26. February 2014, section 23, the tender is not subject to tender, as the purchase concerns delivery of electricity to an ordering party who is subject to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet section 9, clause 1. The estimated quantity of grid losses is 194,7 GWh . The contract period is one year (2023).
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:SEAS-NVE Strømmen A/S
2022-11-18Purchase of electricity for other installations - Cerius (Cerius A/S)
The tender is regarding a Contract for Purchase of electricity for use in other installations in Cerius. According to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet 2014/25/EF from 26. February 2014, section 23, the tender is not subject to tender, as the purchase concerns delivery of electricity to an ordering party who is subject to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet section 9, clause 1. The estimated quantity of electricity 1,5 GWh distributed on 180 places of consumption . The contract period is one year (2023)..
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:SEAS-NVE Strømmen A/S
2022-10-14Indkøb af elektricitet til dækning af nettab i Cerius (Cerius A/S)
The tender is regarding a Contract for Purchase of electricity for grid losses in Cerius. According to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet 2014/25/EF from 26. February 2014, section 23, the tender is not subject to tender, as the purchase concerns delivery of electricity to an ordering party who is subject to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet section 9, clause 1. The estimated quantity of grid losses is 194,7 GWh . The contract period is one year (2023).
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2022-10-07Purchase of electricity for other installations - Cerius (Cerius A/S)
The tender is regarding a Contract for Purchase of electricity for use in other installations in Cerius. According to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet 2014/25/EF from 26. February 2014, section 23, the tender is not subject to tender, as the purchase concerns delivery of electricity to an ordering party who is subject to Forsyningsvirksomhedsdirektivet section 9, clause 1. The estimated quantity of electricity 1,5 GWh distributed on 180 places of consumption . The contract period is one year (2023).
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2019-06-07Lovpligtig Energi Rådgivning (LER) - vedrørende indberetningsberettigede energibesparelser (Cerius A/S)
Vedrørende indberetningsberettigede energibesparelser Udbuddet omfatter indgåelse af 4 delaftaler om levering af indberetningsberettigede energibesparelser. Den samlede udbudte mængde indberetningsberettigede energibesparelser er ca. 30 GWh for år 2020. De 4 delaftaler varierer fra 5 GWh til 10 GWh som angivet nedenfor:
- Delaftale 1a/2020: Levering af 5 GWh i 2020,
- Delaftale 2a/2020: Levering af 5 GWh i 2020,
- Delaftale 3a/2020: Levering af 10 GWh i 2020,
- Delaftale 4a/2020: Levering af 10 GWh i 2020.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Dansk Energirådgivning