Indkøb: Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science

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Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science har historisk set været en køber af transporttjenester (ikke affaldstransport), lufttransport og transporttjenester ad vandvejen.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science

2014-03-03   Purchase of transportation services to Station Nord, Greenland (Aarhus University, Department of Environmental Science)
The Contracting Authority has contracted with a building company to be responsible for the construction of a number of buildings. Building materials will be pre-manufactured in Denmark by the building company and packed to be transported to Station Nord. This contract involves the transportation of these buildings to Station Nord, Greenland. Station Nord is situated in a very remote part of Greenland, and currently the only way of transporting cargo to Station Nord is by air. The nearest airstrips with a … Se udbuddet »